Sunday, October 2, 2011

800 fans list of winners!

Thank you all for playing!  Hopefully in the future I can round up even more great sponsors. Thank you so much for your continued support! If you are listed below as a winner, please email me at with the following info: name, address, and any specifics for custom orders.  If I do not hear from you by next Sunday night at 9pm cst I will choose a new winner.
GIVEAWAY #1 LIFE OF A PLANNER winner is...#4 Casey Fox!
GIVEAWAY #2 KATIE'S AWESOME CREATIONS!!!!!!!!! winner is #6...Sarah Carson!
GIVEAWAY # 3 BUMBLE-BEE CREATIONS winner is #2...Susannah Macmillian!
GIVEAWAY #4 BABY MINE Minnie/Mickey inspired ears winner is...#4 Susannah Macmillian!
--$5 off $10 order or $10 off $20 order winner is...#1 Casey Fox!
--20% off winner is...#3 Susannah Macmillian!
--Tie...#2 Susannah Macmillian!
 BONUS GIVEAWAY #5 BABYCAKES Rag Quilt winner is...#14 Ellen Tidwell!
--Tote Bag winner is...#15 Bethany Howard!
--Ready to Ship winner is...#4 Sarah Carson!

That's it!  Please contact me by Sunday October 9th at 9pm cst or I will choose another winner!  Thank you all that played and donated! :) See you next time around!