Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Our Babies are Growing Up!!

Well I just dropped my one year old off at her first day of Mother's Day Out.  She did so well! She walked right in to her room and started playing with the other kids and didn't even look back to see where Mom went....then, I went to pick her up and it was a different story! Hopefully Miss Avery will get used to it.

I thought this would be a great time to show off everyone's first day of school pictures...and heck why not go ahead and add a chance to win a $25 Babycakes gift certificate.

Soooo here we go!

Miss Charlotte looking oh-so-pretty going to Kindergarten!

Sami lookin so cute in purple ready for Pre-K!

Miss Alex moving on up to Middle School!

Bridget's kids ready for school!

Casey's little cutie pie!

Casey's other cutie pie! Gotta love those freckles :)

Debbie & Madison's first day of Pre-K!

Drake's first day of Kindergarten!

Ellen's kids all ready for school!

Isaac with his Babycakes Mario backpack!

Miss Josephine's first day of 1st grade! Sassy girl!

Miss Katherine in her outfit from Babycakes :))) Sassier girl!

Tracy's handsome boys ready for 2nd grade and Kindergarten!

And Duncan ready for 1st grade!

I hope I didn't miss anyone! I really enjoyed all of these photos of your kids special first day of school :)

Now, for the winner of the $25 Babycakes Gift Certificate is.....picture #13 of Tracy Hodge Lee's handsome boys!

Tracy email me when you are ready to redeem your $25! Thanks for playing and good luck in the new school year.